Container Coatings
We are designing and developing new products such as contamination-resistant grades, meeting the needs of users in a timely manner. Efforts are also underway to develop environmentally friendly products including low odor and water-based grades, with the technical research laboratories in Shanghai and Otake City (Hiroshima) playing a key role in it.

Fetid Free Paint (FF Series)
FF products have developed as an environment-friendly product to achieve a non-irritanting odor condition inside container, with unique methods of removing irritant solvents such as xylene and toluene from interior topcoat coating and floor board coating and neutralizing the complex odor.
Interior Topcoat
Complies with FDA regulation
Wooden Floorboard Paint
POLYULAC NO.200 F-HB (Clear or Choco Brown)
Complies with FDA regulation
- *FF : Fetid (odor) Free
- *FDA : Food and Drug Administration
Water-based Coatings (EKOMATE Series)
We are working on the development of full waterborne coating system that contributes to the reduction of not only irritanting odor but also VOC.
- *VOC : Volatile Organic Compounds
Lead- and Chrome-free Coatings
We are working on the abolition of lead & chrome paints in cooperation with the customer.

R&D (Research & Development)
R&D Centre in Shanghai, China Our R&D activities always aim to reliable and environment-conscious products.